Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pengembangan Karir dan Motivasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Anam Koto Nagari Aia gadang Pasaman Barat
Anam Koto Aia Gadang is one ofthe oil palm plantation companies thd wasfounded 1990. The length oftime the company was established, ofcourse, created leadæship tha due to chotges that occur every yec so that the comptmy has strength or ability to advt to the company's vision, mission and goals. Leadership that is not conducive dissatisfaction, career development and motivation decreases. Therefore, this study aims to däæmine the effect of leadership, cceer development and motivation onjob satisfaction at PT. Anam Koto Nagai Åia Gadang West Pasaman Regency. This type of research is associative, using multiple linar regression analysis with SPSS version 16.0 program. To get a good estimate and interpretation of this study, the sample studied was set at 59 respondents. Data were collected frough questionnaires to measure quantitative variables using a Likert scale. results of the study prove that the three independent variables, namely leadership, career development, and motivation have a positive and significant influence on the dependent variable, nanely Job Satisfaction at PT. Anam Koto Nagari Aia Gadang, West Pasaman Regency. The results ofregression .multipleanalysis show that leadership has a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction at PT. Anam Koto Nagari Aia Gadang West Pasaman Regency with a regression coefficient value of 0.295 and a significant value of0.00 (<0.05), then career development has a positive andpositive effect. Significant to Job Satisfaction at PT. Anam Koto Nagari Aia Gadang West Pasaman Regency with a regression coefficient value of0.400 and a significant value of0M (<0.05) and then motivation has a positive and insignificant effect on Job Satisfaction at the Education Office with a regression coefficient value 0.123 and a significance value of 0.104 (>0.05). The coefficient of determination value is 0.641 or 64% and the remaining 36% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Keywords: leadership, career development, motivation, job satisfy
Detail Information
Bagian |
Informasi |
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
- |
Pengarang |
Debi - Personal Name
Edisi |
Publish |
No. Panggil |
808.130 |
Subyek |
Klasifikasi |
808 |
Judul Seri |
Text |
Bahasa |
Indonesia |
Penerbit |
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pasaman |
Tahun Terbit |
2021 |
Tempat Terbit |
Pasaman Barat |
Deskripsi Fisik |
- |
Info Detil Spesifik |
Skripsi Tahun 2021 |
. (2021).Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pengembangan Karir dan Motivasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Anam Koto Nagari Aia gadang Pasaman Barat.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd