Detail Cantuman

Analisis Kesehatan Bank Dengan Metode Game Pada PT. BPR Swadaya Anak Nagari Periode 2015 - 2019

Analisis Kesehatan Bank Dengan Metode Game Pada PT. BPR Swadaya Anak Nagari Periode 2015 - 2019

This study aims to determine: The health level of bank at PT. Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Swadaya Anak Nagari which must be done by the bank in reducing the problems occur. This study focused on analyzing the healthlevel of bank at PT. BPR Swadaya Anak Nagari which can be seen from the healthlevel, CANTEL analysis, namely the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ratio in 2015-2019 is above Bank Indonesia limit which means healthy. Productive asset quality (KAP) in 20152019 was below 10.35% which means healthy. Net Profit Margin (NPM) is said to be healthy if the NPM value is at least 81% and is said to be unhealthy if it is less than 51%, meaning that only in 2018 experienced unhealthy. Return on Assets (ROA) in 2015 was above 1.215% meaning healthy, and in 2016-2019 below 1.215% meaning unhealthy. The loan deposit ratio (LDR) in 2015-2019 is below 94.75%, which means it is healthy.

Keywords : Bank Soundness


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab -
Pengarang Vera Tri Aldina - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil 808.125
Subyek Vera Tri Aldina
Klasifikasi 808
Judul Seri
GMD Text
Bahasa Indonesia
Penerbit Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pasaman
Tahun Terbit 2021
Tempat Terbit Pasaman Barat
Deskripsi Fisik -
Info Detil Spesifik Skripsi Tahun 2021

  Tags :
Vera Tri Aldina


. (2021).Analisis Kesehatan Bank Dengan Metode Game Pada PT. BPR Swadaya Anak Nagari Periode 2015 - 2019.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd


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